Just a Girl

Recently, I keep hearing the same type of story from friends over and over again. I hate to make a sweeping statement but there is a certain consensus in society that all girls want relationships.  There […]


This week, in an unashamed attempt to slim down before Valentine’s, I decided to try a diet of sorts. I was to become the man of every woman’s dreams by leaving behind the dark, devil-filled […]


Is there a more divisive day than Valentine’s? For some, its very name sparks excitement; for others, it’s little more than an expletive. It carries with it all the baggage of preconceptions, prejudices and familiar clichés. […]

Female Seeks Finance

Last week Leeds Student reported on female students using dating sites to meet men who were willing to give them money. This week Big Debate asks, is it ok to use ‘Sugar Daddy’ websites to pay for university fees? […]

Going the distance

It has to be conceded that being in a long-distance relationship whilst at Uni is pretty contradictory to the student stereotype. For starters, we are supposed to be unbelievably lazy. The I-can’t-be-bothered-to-get-out-of-bed-even-though-I-need-the-loo kind. The kind […]