Released this month by Lionsgate Films, American Assassin is an action thriller based upon the 2010 novel of the same name by Vince Flynn. The cast boasts some well known names such as Michael Keaton […]
Society l Profile: Action
Action is a student led volunteering society, which has been running for 10 years. They run projects with children and older people in the local community and do everything from playing bingo in a care […]
ACTION’s Christmas Present Project NEEDS YOU!
As Christmas is drawing ever closer it is a time to share, give and donate to those who are less fortunate that ourselves. For many families in Leeds struggling in poverty, Christmas can be a […]
UPDATED: Students stage Union protest in solidarity with Hong Kong Occupiers
Dozens of students stood in protest on the Union courtyard this afternoon in solidarity with the pro-democracy protests currently taking place in Hong Kong. The action started at 1pm and coincided with China’s national day, […]
Film | The Amazing Spider-Man 2 – Garfield and Stone's on-screen chemistry saves the day
Video: Marvel Enterprises In the complicated world of comic book superheroes, Spider-Man, a Marvel creation, starts his journey off in very much the same way we saw in the first film in this franchise, and […]
Film | 300: Rise of an Empire – more parody than sequel
Image: Warner Bros. The first 300 movie was a camp but awesome film with Gerard Butler’s King Leonidas coming out with some of cinema’s coolest phrases while he and his men armed with big abs […]
Film | Non-Stop – an exciting thriller
Image: StudioCanal Some actors are remembered by a trademark line. Schwarzenegger’s is “I’ll be back.” Jack Nicholson’s is “You can’t handle the truth.” Liam Neeson’s is “We’re running out of time.” He seems to say […]
Film | Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit – Cool but clichéd
Image: Paramount Pictures Chris Pine is the fourth actor to play Tom Clancy’s Jack Ryan from the CIA. Unexpectedly though, Kenneth Branagh is the director. The recently knighted Shakespear veteran directs this fun action movie […]
Photojournal | Staff on strike – "It's the last resort today"
“What’s twenty times six?” asks Ann Blair, law lecturer and President of University of Leeds University and College Union (UCU). “One hundred and twenty”. “Well. That’s how many mince pies I’ve been distributing on the […]
Film | Escape Plan – Arnie in his prime
Image: Summit Entertainment/Lionsgate If you’ve been in two minds about whether or not you want to go and see Escape Plan, allow me to conduct a simple test: Arnold Schwarzenegger and Sylvester Stallone break out of a maximum-security prison […]
News | In pictures – Leeds education workers on strike
Staff at the University of Leeds went on strike on Thursday in protest over pay and cuts to higher education. They proceeded to join striking staff from Leeds Met and other members of the public […]
Students to sleep outside for STAR
Students are spending a night sleeping outside the Union to raise awareness of homeless asylum seekers. The sponsored ‘sleep out’, organised by Amnesty International and Student Action for Refugees (STAR) are raising money for Positive […]