ACTION’s Christmas Present Project NEEDS YOU!

As Christmas is drawing ever closer it is a time to share, give and donate to those who are less fortunate that ourselves. For many families in Leeds struggling in poverty, Christmas can be a particularly difficult time of year. The Christmas Present Project, in partnership with St Vincent’s, aims to provide the wider community of Leeds with kind donations of food hampers and Christmas gifts which helps to ensure no child goes without a gift at Christmas.

St Vincent’s is a city wide voluntary organisation based in the heart of East Leeds. Its aim is to improve the quality of life for those deprived of income, employment, education, social networks, neighbourhood and community support. Like Leeds Action, they aim to serve people in the wider area of Leeds by helping to create a community where everyone is free from poverty and is respected, valued and able to fulfil their potential.

Action president, Amelia Norton said: “The Christmas Present Project is a scheme that aims to bring Christmas joy to those less fortunate than ourselves during this seasonal holiday. So why not help spread the Christmas cheer and donate a present for someone else to help make their Christmas as magical as it should be!!”

There is a donations bin located next to the helpdesk in the Union where your generous selves can donate towards this amazing project. We are urgently sourcing toiletries, long life milk and new, unwrapped gifts for all ages. Please visit our page on the LUU website for an extensive list of donations or pass by the bin itself.

If you have any questions or would like to get involved further please email

Georgina Potts


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