Students to sleep outside for STAR


Students are spending a night sleeping outside the Union to raise awareness of homeless asylum seekers.

The sponsored ‘sleep out’, organised by Amnesty International and Student Action for Refugees (STAR) are raising money for Positive Action for Refugees and Asylum Seekers (PAFRAS).

The Sleep Out will take place on Monday March 4 from 7pm, as part of the ‘Still Human Still Here’ campaign.

The event will be co-hosted by a number of LUU societies in an evening of activities running from 8pm, through to early Tuesday morning.

There will be music from Folk Society and performances from members of Street Dance, Circus, and Swing Society.

The night will finish in the early hours with talks on refugees and asylum seekers’ rights organised by STAR.

Speaking to Leeds Student, Katya Bernatavicius, Media Representative for Amnesty International Student Society said, “ we’re holding the sleepout in order to raise awareness about the government policy that forces refused asylum seekers into destitution”.

She added, “Sleep outs are a great way to get people involved and make people aware of certain issues.”

Words: Oscar Frandsen

Photo: Amnesty International

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