LeadLUU: Alex Gibbon

As voting for LeadLUU kicks off, we speak to the Gryphon Editor candidates. For manifestos and more information, click here.

Who are you?

I am a single and lonely and my instagram is @alex.gibbon

Otherwise, I am Queer, a true Northerner, an Arabic and Spanish student, a DJ, a radio presenter, a yogi, a taxi driver, a drag queen, an Aries, a bookworm… and I really want to be your next Gryphon Editor.

Why do you want to be Editor of the Gryphon?

I want to be Editor because I bloody love the paper! I have been writing for The Gryphon for 4 years, I’m a former Arts & Culture section editor and now I lead In The Middle Magazine, our cultural supplement. The Gryphon has truly defined my university experience and I know it inside out which means I also understand exactly how we can improve. Furthermore, next year will be really important in terms of rebuilding a sense of community at the paper again once we’re finally in a post-pandemic world and I think I’m the person to do that.

What are some of the key policies or changes you hope to implement?

As Editor, I would completely overhaul the website so its image can match the quality of work our writers produce. I would establish an in-house team of illustrators to get more student artwork in the paper. I would extend the POC mentorship scheme to include roles in photography, graphic design, and illustration. I would collaborate with LSTV to produce video content and keep that lot at Vice on their toes. I would create an outreach program with marginalised communities to make sure our efforts of inclusivity aren’t tokenistic. To be given the chance to implement these ideas would be phenomenal.

Why should people vote for you?

As well as being an extremely experienced candidate, I have shown innovation during my time at The Gryphon, like the series of Writers’ Surgeries I created (which are still going strong) to give our members direct feedback on their work. In addition, I’m the right person to ensure we up our social media game and cover more local news stories affecting students. However, above all, I believe that I am a friendly, welcoming person who can encourage new members to join us in making something really special as well as nurturing the talent of people who are already with us.
