LeadLUU: Calum Pinches

As voting for LeadLUU kicks off, we speak to the Gryphon Editor candidates. For manifestos and more information, click here.

Who are you?

Hello readers! I’m a second year Politics, Philosophy and Economics student and have been the Online Sports Editor for the Gryphon since September. I have thoroughly enjoyed my University experience in Leeds so far, I’ve met some brilliant people through halls, my course and through writing for the paper. Coming originally from a smaller city in Oxford, moving up to Leeds and engaging with the many activities, clubs, pubs and gigs has been extremely enjoyable! Passions of mine include football, mixed martial arts and political debate. Pre-lockdown you could normally find me at Brudenell Social Club sinking a few pints.

Why do you want to be Editor of the Gryphon?

One of the most enjoyable aspects of my University life so far has been writing and editing for the Gryphon. It’s given me the ability to create content on subjects which I’m genuinely interested in, enabled me to engage more with the student population and sparked withing me a passion for journalism. I’m aware that students this year have had their lives significantly changed as a result of the pandemic, I want your concerns to be accurately reported and your successes championed. Students should be able to hold the University to account, mobilise change and get their voice heard.

What are some of the key policies or changes you hope to implement?

With my main focus being on properly representing student issues and using the Gryphon as a vehicle for promoting student welfare, a new ‘Student Voice Forum’ platform will give every student the opportunity to speak to the Gryphon team about issues they feel need publicity, these stories will then be covered by any student who wants to write about experiences that affect them. This forum, both online and in person through discussion meetings, will mean the issues which affect the student population are accurately and substantially reported on. A ‘Leeds Stories’ section will be created, giving the opportunity for students to attend gigs, pubs, museums, exhibitions, restaurants, sporting events and nights out and write about it, giving the paper a uniquely ‘Leeds’ feeling as you share your experiences with us. I’ll put on more media events, career talks and increase political engagement, through inviting local Leeds ministers, campaigners and activists will give you licence to ask questions to the people who inspire you, and challenge those who you believe need to be challenged. I’ll establish new writer sessions targeted at amplifying BAME, LGBTQ+ and disabled voices and strive for an environment where everyone at the University feel supported and represented.

Why should people vote for you?

I believe that the Gryphon is a brilliant publication, it showcases the talents of so many students and should promote student welfare by holding the University to account on issues affecting our lives. My sole duty will be to amplify your voice and make sure that students are represented fairly. I will work tirelessly for this cause, to enable as many students as possible to work with us and be inspired by the work that they do. If you want our student population to have a genuine say in issues which affect us, vote for me as your editor.
