Yorkshire to vote on Catalan style independence

Last week Leeds city council member Charles Duckworth called on the people of Yorkshire to get behind the movement to vote for an independent Yorkshire. In a city council discussion, Mr Duckworth stated that across the globe there were more examples of “fragmentation of societies from large nations into smaller, self-sufficient States”.  Mr Duckworth mentioned the recent vote in Catalan to separate itself from mainland Spain and provided an argument for why he felt a similar movement would greatly benefit Yorkshire.  The idea has been encouraged by many locals and in response to the positive feedback, a provisional manifesto has been drawn up by Mr Duckworth and his advisory team.


The Yorkshire Manifesto: God’s Own County


  • Yorkshire shall establish its own monarchy with Yorkshire born Dame Judy Dench as the reigning queen
  • All plates and bowls shall be banned and replaced with large Yorkshire puddings to save on washing up
  • Marks & Spencer’s is to be nationalised
  • The new national anthem for an independent Yorkshire shall be the lyrics of Kaiser Chiefs “I predict a riot” to the tune of Jerusalem


Cat Alan