The amazing things you can create: Papercraft Society

I have always been slightly jealous of people who are adept at origami, because I was amazed at the amazing things you could create with just a few sheets of paper. When I heard that a new society had been formed that focused on paper crafting, I decided to check it out. The event I attended was held in a small room in the Michael Sadler Building, and the session involved crafting a particular piece with instructions.

The piece I created was a cat in a box, on top of another box (which was meant to be a building of sorts). When I looked at the instructions, I was a bit worried that I would not have the necessary skills to create a good product. What made me skeptical was that, unlike origami, paper craft also involves quite a bit of cutting and glueing, and if I’m being honest, past experience has proven that I am terrible at both if I have to do them for an extended period of time. Art class was never my forte.

Surprisingly enough, I managed to finish creating my product, and it looked exactly like the exemplar that one of the committee members had made. I think what made the process smooth was that everyone was helpful, and they were playing very calming and lovely instrumental music while we were working. Overall, I loved my time with the Papercraft Society, and I hope to attend one of their future events and craft more wonderful items. I would recommend this society for anyone who wants to spend a few hours in a relaxed environment, just cutting up some paper. It’s an incredibly therapeutic experience, in my opinion, and there are a variety of cool items you can create! Before leaving the event, I also had a chance to interview the president of the society.

What is your role in the society?

My name is Pulu Zhou, and I am the Papercraft Society’s President.

Why did you create the society?

There are two reasons. The first one is because paper craft is my hobby, and the second reason is because I noticed that there is no other society that involves DIY projects or making crafts.

What events do you have planned for this semester?

Maggie (Secretary): We will have a Christmas special event, because it’ll be a time when people are looking for gifts for their friends and family, so we can host an event for people to make Christmas-themed paper crafts.

What would you say to someone to encourage them to join the society?

The society will help you practice your patience, because you need peace of mind to create the crafts.

Elsa Amri

(Image courtesy of

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