While an estimated 77,000 people in the UK are native speakers of British Sign Language, ability to sign amongst those who are not deaf or hard of hearing remains low. While Sign Language interpretators are […]

While an estimated 77,000 people in the UK are native speakers of British Sign Language, ability to sign amongst those who are not deaf or hard of hearing remains low. While Sign Language interpretators are […]
Now that you’re in university, you most probably are embarking upon a journey of cuisine expertise. Cooking for yourself can be a tiring ordeal, especially at first, when you have no idea what you’re doing, […]
On the 11th of January, the Guide Dogs Society held their first ‘Meet the Guide Dogs’ event of the year in the Union. For those unfamiliar with the concept, ‘Meet the Guide Dogs’ is an […]
I have always been slightly jealous of people who are adept at origami, because I was amazed at the amazing things you could create with just a few sheets of paper. When I heard that […]
One of the great things about attending university is that it gives you the opportunity to volunteer with a number of great charities. One of these charities, Freedom from Torture, inspired Kaleem Luthra to start […]
It’s October and the Student Union is celebrating, along with the rest of the UK, Black History Month (BHM) – amazing events and performances are happening throughout this month in our union, including events by […]
Growing up, most of us dabbled in some form of skating or another. But what comes to mind when we think of the most daring and most popular form of skating? Why, skateboarding of course. […]
This week, The Gryphon spoke to Becca McDonald, treasurer of Anime & Manga Soc, to find out more Have you ever heard of Attack on Titan? Sailor Moon, perhaps? Surely, you must have heard of […]
Last month, Kim Kardashian uploaded a nude, but censored, selfie to Twitter. Although this was not the first time that she had shared nude visuals of herself with the public, the resulting reaction escalated more […]
William Gibson, famous science fiction author, described the Internet as a ‘cyberspace’, in which anyone can assume any identity and venture into a life that is not limited by their own physical appearances; a virtual […]
This week, The Gryphon speak to Mel, the belly dance instructor for the society, who explains that despite people’s misconceptions about the dance form, belly dancing is more than just shaking hips. LUU’s Leeds Belly […]
For many people, going home for the holidays is taken for granted – students from all over the country head home to their respective homes and Leeds becomes somewhat of a ghost town. But for […]