Sport | BUCS – Netball round-up

Leeds Uni 1s v LeedsMet 1s:

Leeds Uni used their warm up well, to prepare themselves for the tough match to come, going onto court to face their long term rivals as a determined front. However, due to a few misplaced passes and unforced errors, Met took the lead by 12-6.

New combinations including Natasha Scott at shooter gave Uni the push to repair the goal difference. Strong passes from defence through court between Shana Potgieter and Nathalie Haythornthwaite forced the ball into the attacking circle. A strong Met defence forced errors in our attacking, often preventing Uni from converting turnovers.

With fresh legs from new Captain Rachael Wilkes in defence and Nathalie Haythornthwaite moving to WA, as well as a fighting team talk from coach and captain Shana Potgieter, Leeds Uni came on the court refreshed for the second half.

Exceptional defence from Rachael Wilkes and Lauren Potter dominated the 3rd quarter, however Uni struggled to convert these resulting turnovers into goals. Constant hard work from Shana Potgieter and Amy Potter throughout mid court held the team strong. However, due to unforced errors and a lack of conversions, Leeds Uni finished the third quarter with their heads down.

Another change took Cezaria to WA and Haythornthwaite back to GA, as Leeds Uni looked to finish the game off fighting. With the defence consistently badgering Met’s shooters, they prevented effective movement in the D. Finishing with an  enormous effort from Leeds Uni, and fantastic shooting from Ciaira Crosbie and Nathalie Haythornthwaite, Leeds Uni went down, but not without a fight.

Final Score: 33-46

MOTM: Shana Potgieter

Leeds 3s v Met 3s:

Leeds 3s knew they had to regain the win against their rivals in this fixture. The first quarter started well, with strong through-court balls from Issy McNeile and Olivia Ellis. Ellie Ward made some great turnovers, which were in turn taken up the court to goal. However, many disciplinary errors meant that Uni were trailing Met by 3 goals.

A radical change in attitude brought Leeds 3s onto the court in a fighting spirit. A change in defence taking Harriet Higby at GD brought rewards, as flying interceptions allowed Uni to catch up to an even score. Fantastic placement and shooting from Clare Steele and Chavonne Duckworth helped keep spirits up. Leeds Uni finished at half time at 16-17, leaving them well in contention for a win.

Continual hard word in defence throughout the court meant tips turned into turnovers. Exceptional movement around the circle from Clare Steele and strong defensive work from Issy McNeile bonded the teams attack and defence. Olivia Ellis and Cat Leggat held the team strong through mid court. A large supportive crowd at the side helped the team lift their spirits and saw Leeds 3s storm ahead to 27-21.

After a nail biting start to the final quarter, with Leeds Uni up by 3 goals, they knew Met would be fighting, having to work hard to stay on top. Exceptional teamwork proved a strength to their game and great work in both defence and attack, meant Uni’s centres went straight to goal. Although constant niggling from Met’s defence made it difficult for Uni to take their turnovers to goal, Leeds Uni came out on top with a Victoria win of 32-30!

Final Score:32-30

MOTM: Clare Steele
Leeds 4s v Hull:

After a stressful journey to Hull, Uni were forced onto court without a warm up. The first quarter, therefore, started with Hull coming out strong and Leeds falling behind quickly.

After a few adjustments, Uni stepped back onto court with new resilience. In the defensive third, Georgie Andes, Onah Euzukanma and Emily Morrice turned over countless balls ensuring that Leeds gained possession which enabled Pebbs Allard and Lucinda rushton to put up shot after shot.

Final quarter came and Leeds pulled ahead.Good movement by Hannah Gee and Anna Skinner allowed the ball to travel down court fluidly,resulting in goal after goal, as our shooters really came into their own and made it look effortless.

Final score 48-21.

MOTM: Lucinda Rushton
Leeds 6s v York St.Johns 4s:

Today was our first match against York St Johns, the team currently 2nd place behind Uni in the league. Going into the match unsure of what to expect, Uni were determined to keep up their winning streak.

Amy Jones and Alice Gargan’s almost perfect shooting gave a huge advantage against one of the tougher teams in the division, ending the first quarter 19-2 up.

Due to the success of the first quarter positions stayed the same. Shooting stats reduced slightly and play looked rushed at times which resulted in some off target passing and silly mistakes.

Yet, after a few changes Uni started the second half leading 29-5. Excellent, quick mid court work between Claire Seaton, Lucy Siena and Olivia Russell throughout the match made it extremely difficult for York to intercept any passes.

As a team Uni did not allow the questionable umpiring alter their play, and managed to achieve another fantastic score of 52-9, stabilising their position at the top of the league.

Final Score: 52-9

MOTM: Lauren Alderton

Sidonie Wilson

Image courtesy of Leeds University

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