News | Students axe The Sun

The Sun newspaper has been banned from sale at the Union, following a student vote.

Politics student, Niall MacLaughlin submitted the idea for the Union to support the No More Page 3 campaign by refusing to sell The Sun.

MacLaughlin told LS: “it is my belief, shared by many other students here, that Page 3 is damaging and completely out of place in a newspaper.”

The first year student has since been targeted by internet trolls.

A panel of 13 randomly selected students passed the decision at the Better Union Forum, with ten voting in favour of the ban.

Tuma Hayek, a third year Politics student, has now launched a petition to for the ban to be voted on by all students in a referendum. The petition needs 600 signatures over the next week to be successful.

Fourth year Politics student, Tom Follett told LS: “No place of education should be in the business of banning newspapers. Students must be allowed to discover how colossal a monument to bigotry The Sun is for themselves.”

The panel voting system has come under fire, as some students have told this paper they do not believe it fully reflects the views of the student population.

Union Affairs Officer Bradley Escorcio responded saying: “I am confident that our student panels accurately represent the demographic of our members. If anything, debates and referendums are likely to strengthen the democracy at LUU rather than hinder it.”

The ban on The Sun comes as part of a string of similar moves. Earlier this year the Union removed the controversial song “Blurred Lines” from playlists in its bars and clubs. However, the banning of nude photos of students from campus and the sale of ‘lads mags’ were previously voted against.

Carina Derhalli

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