Introducing PURE – a brand new cafe located on level 9 of the Worsley building, with a focus on healthy food options ranging from lunchtime salads and sandwiches, to smoothies and fresh herbal infusion […]

Introducing PURE – a brand new cafe located on level 9 of the Worsley building, with a focus on healthy food options ranging from lunchtime salads and sandwiches, to smoothies and fresh herbal infusion […]
Jack Palmer Union Affairs Which of your initiatives are you most excited about? Student engagement – that’s what I ran on and it’s still what I’m most excited about. I think when I ran, only […]
Old Bar will open its doors this evening for the first time in six months following it’s revamp as part of the £20 million union upgrade. The plans for the Old Bar upgrade caused some […]
The student accommodation company, Urban Student Life (USL), has been suspended for a year from the Code for Non-Educational Establishments by the Codes Full Tribunal. Such a suspension is very rare, and this is only […]
The Leeds Night Owls are your local student superheroes. Coming out in the darkest hours of the night; saving students; charging phones; the Night Owls are always on hand to keep you safe if you […]
So you’ve stocked up on all the boring Uni supplies such as kitchen appliances and bedding and now it’s time to make sure your Uni style game is on point. Remaining stylish whilst still looking […]
The University of Leeds has issued a statement to The Gryphon seeking to reassure students in the wake of a Brexit vote which continues to be mired in uncertainty. In a week when #WeAreInternational banners […]
Leeds University Union have announced the next phase of the ‘We’ve Got Your Back’ campaign, in a vow to continue the fight against sexual harassment and sexual violence on campus and in the city. The […]
The University of Edinburgh has launched a new policy designed to limit the purchase of goods containing minerals that could have been sold to fund illegal and immoral conflicts. The policy ensures suppliers will be […]
Successful lobbying by Jonny Foster, LUU Community Officer, has resulted in First Bus launching a new price structure that will include one pound tickets for students on popular routes. Starting on 18th April, certain tickets on […]
A student house in Headingley has been raided by police following a string of noise complaints. Officers from Leeds Anti-Social Behaviour Team (LASBT) visited the 6 bed house on Richmond Mount earlier this week, and […]
A fire broke out at Leodis halls of residence this evening, forcing the inhabitants of block D to evacuate. Two fire engines arrived on site to put out the substantial kitchen fire, which caused smoke […]