EXCLUSIVE: Old Bar revamp unveiled for first time

Old Bar will open its doors this evening for the first time in six months following it’s revamp as part of the £20 million union upgrade.

The plans for the Old Bar upgrade caused some controversy when they were released back in February, with LUU Music Society creating a petition to stop the changes that attracted over 500 signatures.

Following student feedback the plans were changed and, despite the refurbishment, Old Bar remains largely true to its original interior, with the bar, flooring and wooden panelling remaining in place.


The space has been expanded to increase the capacity of the venue, and there is now a much bigger kitchen and better wheelchair access.

The toilets have been given a makeover too, and although a lot smaller now, they feature brand new fittings and tiling.


The new bar will also feature a host of new drinks deals such as gin and tonics and vodka mixers for £2 on Fridays, two-pint glasses of Carling for £4.50 during the biggest sports screenings, and two cocktails for £5 weekdays from 5-9pm.


There will be greater selection of ales from local breweries, such as Leeds Pale and Yorkshire gold, as well as gluten free beers.





Old Bar will be open to the public from 4pm today.

Jessica Murray

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