LeadLUU: Rory Yeates

As voting for LeadLUU kicks off, we speak to the Gryphon Editor candidates. For manifestos and more information, click here.

Who are you?

My name is Rory and I’m a third-year student studying Philosophy, Politics and Economics. I have been an active writer for The Gryphon since approaching their stall at the Freshers’ fair in my first week of university, and have been an editor for the Arts & Culture section for nearly two years. In my spare time, I love getting involved with the performing arts – either directing shows or acting in them – as well as indulging in my movie obsession or having a laugh with my mates over drinks. I love to try new things and meet new people!

Why do you want to be Editor of the Gryphon?

Before coming to university, I had no idea what I wanted to do with my life, but through The Gryphon I quickly discovered that my heart and soul lies in journalism. I am so grateful that the paper helped me uncover this passion, and I truly want others like me to have those same experiences. I want to give back to the community that has done so much for me, and apply all my knowledge and experience in order to grow The Gryphon, to ensure that it is a paper that speaks for all from our diverse student body.

What are some of the key policies or changes you hope to implement?

REPRESENTATION. I want to improve communication with our cultural societies to establish long-lasting links, so the paper can consistently publish views such as those from marginalised groups. Furthermore, I want to stand up for students against the university, making sure to scrutinise them on questionable decisions, and making sure articles are published on the issues that matter most to students.

EXPANSION. I want to expand our online and campus presence to bring in more students. To do this I want to redesign our website to give it a sharper look to make sure The Gryphon is taken seriously. I want to create a ‘Leeds Student Media’ web portal, integrating with LSR and LSTV in one accessible place, encouraging collaboration projects. I also want further outreach to industry professionals to give university talks to further The Gryphon’s stature.

ENRICHMENT. The Gryphon should be a worthwhile paper for all to write for. I would introduce regular writers’ workshops, as well as workshops for other important skills such as graphic design, interviewing and research. Furthermore, I would build on the relationship between writers and editors, improving transparency in the editing process and making sure writers are confident in their skill and style. 

Why should people vote for you?

You should vote for me as I have so much passion for the paper, as well as plenty of experience managing a team in a welcoming environment. Through writing and editing for The Gryphon throughout my time at university, I have come to know it inside out, and know what changes we need to make and how to make them. I want to leave a legacy of shifted attitudes in the paper, taking strong positive steps towards proper representation, as well as creating a community that everyone wants to be a part of. Vote for Rory to tell your story!
