LeadLUU: Neive McCarthy

As voting for LeadLUU kicks off, we speak to the Gryphon Editor candidates. For manifestos and more information, click here.

Who are you?

I’m Neive and I’m in my final year studying English Literature! This year, I have been Social Media Associate for The Gryphon, which means I am often the one answering your questions about how to get involved and attempting to come up with different layouts to promote our online edition on the Instagram. I’ve been a part of The Gryphon since I started at Leeds, and I was Online Music & Clubs Editor last year – I’ve also written for Arts & Culture, Views and Features as well as some other music publications too.

Why do you want to be Editor of the Gryphon?

I want to be your Gryphon editor because ultimately, I love The Gryphon. It has been such an impactful and important part of my time at Leeds and I am so passionate about it – I want to put that enthusiasm to more use as editor. I’m incredibly grateful for the opportunities, connections and fun that The Gryphon has afforded me, and I am committed to ensuring that the next cohort of students get that and more from the paper. I think student journalism is absolutely vital and I want to continue to push it and get our members heard more.

What are some of the key policies or changes you hope to implement?

I want to continue making The Gryphon an inclusive and accessible as possible – as Social Media Associate, I have heard how many students feel daunted because of lack of experience. I will implement workshops covering the basics of every section from the start of the year to even the playing field. I will collaborate with societies in conjunction with this to ensure that POC, LGBTQ+, working-class, international and postgraduate students from all backgrounds and experience levels have their voices heard.

I will make sure you get more out of your membership by hosting multimedia training with LSR and LSTV and collaborating more with other media societies to make the most of the opportunities available. I will create a designed associate role for feedback and wellbeing, so student concerns are more clearly addressed. It is a student newspaper – I want students to feel like The Gryphon has their back.

I will work with societies and the Activities officer to increase coverage of student-led events and spotlight our favourite parts of Leeds. I want to continue heralding The Gryphon as a platform that reliably voices student concerns– it needs to be as accurate a representation of student life in Leeds as possible.

Why should people vote for you?

You should vote for me because I have both enthusiasm and experience and I want to invest those into making The Gryphon the best platform for students to have their voices amplified. I want to continue pushing the paper and asking the vital questions of how we can do better to represent our students and keeping them at the centre of everything we do. You should vote for me for the support and encouragement to feel confident and comfortable getting involved with The Gryphon. For a paper that represents and supports you, believe in Neive!
