Cooking together: House nights in

Did you hear that staying in is the new going out? With limited options for things to do at the moment, days are becoming increasingly repetitive and boring. So why not plan something to look forward to that can be a cheap, fun and sociable activity to break up the increasingly mundane weeks?

Having a house meal every week or even every month not only gives you something to look forward to, it can also be a really good way to get to know your housemates much better and just have a laugh. Cooking doesn’t have to be boring: make it global, travel the world with your food and have some fun with it. And, if you‘re feeling like an extra challenge, make it competitive and have your own Come Dine With Me with cash or chocolate as a reward for the winner!

Here are my 5 top recipes to try: 

  1. Fajitas, fajitas, fajitas!

What’s not to love about fajitas?! They’re so quick, so easy to make and, most importantly, they taste delicious! Pair with your own guacamole and salsa, or shop-bought ones if you’re feeling lazy.

Image: Pinterest
  1. Pasta bake 

Apparently all students live off is pasta. As much as this is far from the truth, who doesn’t love a good pasta bake oozing with melted cheese? Again, this is so easy to make and I can guarantee a good reception from your housemates.

  1. Curry night 

One of my personal favourites is a house curry night. There are so many curries to choose from, so why not try a new one every month? Or, why not make a variety and have a spread of naan, poppadoms and samosas. It’s so much cheaper than a takeaway and a great shout for vegan diners.

Image: Financial Times
  1. Lasagne

What better comfort food to indulge in on a cold autumn evening than a bubbling dish of lasagne, served deliciously with garlic bread. Utter bliss! Granted, this one takes a bit more time to prepare and cook but, trust me, the end result will be so worth it. A real crowd-pleaser. 

  1. Pancakes 

This final one is for the dessert lovers. You’ve probably already got all the ingredients lurking in the back of the cupboard so have some fun and get flipping!  Remember, the first one is always the worst!


As I said, these are my five favourites but there are limitless options that you could try so why not give it a go?

All recipes can be found on Kitchen Sanctuary, except the pancake recipe which can be found on Baking Mad. 

We’d love to see what you come up with. Tag us on Instagram @thegryphon with your creations!

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