Fudge @ The Lending Room 07/02/2020

One week on from the release of their first EP, Panic On, Leeds four-piece Fudge took on the Lending Room once again with a riotous energy. 

Fudge obviously have the local following to back themselves up. Despite being a previous fan, even I was not prepared for the pandemonium that would ensue from the moment the local rockers stepped on stage – or rather descended onto the crowd, diving from the bar at the back. With a huge pit extending the entire width of the Lending Room, what followed was what can only be described as pure, unadulterated chaos. 

The gig was non-stop, strong riffs electrify the air but the aggressive vocals from leadman Cam are not allowed to take a back seat. Fudge are monstrous, even managing to ramp up the disorder when they launch into one of their first hits ‘Walrus’. The pit was inescapable, myself abandoning the illusion that I would be able to stay to the side to review, eventually deciding to fully embrace what Fudge has to offer. I can put as many descriptive words in this review as possible to try and encapsulate the experience and yet still be unsuccessful –  there were bodies flying everywhere, a constant feed of powerful guitar and even an elderly relative of the support dancing in his own circle created to protect him from the moshers – this was local punk at its finest.  

Fudge exude a cocky and boyish energy and are clearly able to charm a crowd with ease. Despite the fire alarm sounding half way through the gig, illuminating the pit with red lights, Fudge. refuse to stop for anyone. They’re able to play off the technical mistakes, including the breakage of their delay pedal and a couple of guitar strings, and lack none of the self confidence that usually comes from smaller bands. The crowd are insatiable, only slowing for a moment to catch a breath before plunging into the next song. 

” this was local punk at its finest “

Taking inspiration from alt-rockers such as IDLES, the local band manage to capture the essence of political rock that can arguably be lost with bigger bands in bigger venues. The striking lyrics ‘we just want to feel like we’re going somewhere’ speak to their position as youths today, feeling unrepresented and lost in the state of society. Fudge. have an unfailing desire to enact change, even on the small scale and even if it’s simply to spread their anti-establishment message through their own music. Accompanied by elaborate backing visuals and personalised lighting, one can’t help but have respect for a band that’s honed their sound and secured such a dedicated following in such a short amount of time. 

If you hadn’t already seen the smatterings of Fudge stickers adorned across lampposts and buildings alike throughout the city or heard the rumours of their legendary gigs, maybe now is the time to take notice. Fudge are clawing their way to the top and taking the house down as they do. 


[Header: Rock’N’Load]