Elysian is Coming: 28th – 29th February

ELYSIAN (adjective) beautiful or creative; divinely inspired; peaceful and perfect.  

This year, Leeds Rag Fashion Show is all about sustainability, and student’s creations promise to reflect the beauty and power of mother nature. The show will celebrate our wonderful Earth, with profits donated to two environmental charities: Plastic Oceans UK and Hubbub. With a focus on the planet as well as the diversity of the humans inhabiting it, Elysian promises to be an exciting showcase of Leeds talent. 

credit: Julia Kraut and Emily Moore

“Using Fashion as a tool, we begin a journey of empowerment and enlightenment and believe in the change that is to come.”

Plastic Oceans UK are on a mission to reduce the 8 million tons of plastic waste entering our oceans each year. Their award-winning documentaries, business partnerships and education initiatives help raise awareness and work towards finding solutions to halt the staggeringly high levels of plastic polluting our oceans.

Hubbub encourage people make more sustainable lifestyle choices in their everyday lives. They offer realistic, practical solutions to help us reduce our environmental impact, considering key lifestyle areas from the workplace, to the home, to food and fashion. Only running for 5 years, Hubbub already hold some impressive accolades to their name, including collaborating with over 700 international and local businesses, and reaching 3.7 billion people with their campaigns. 

While the scale of the climate crisis may be enormous, these charities are both dedicated to finding community-oriented solutions at a local level . LRFS offers an opportunity to support our university’s talent whilst also making a valuable contribution to the environment (and of course having a great night in the process). The RAG team couldn’t have put it better themselves, with Elysian, “fashion has never been better for this planet”.

Standard release fashion show and after-party tickets are now on sale. If the launch party is anything to go by, Leeds are in for some very good times. For one night only on Saturday 29th February, LRFS are teaming up with Lunar Underground to present the ‘Big Bang’ afterparty at Freedom Mills. Featuring one of the godfathers of UK Garage Zed Bias, as well as Lunar Underground, Hyde House, sub:stance recordings and Healthy Minds, the official afterparty is one you will not want to miss.

Standard release tickets for the Leeds RAG Fashion Show and afterparty are on sale now.

Sarah Mortimore