Campus Watch

University of Glasgow: University Owns Up to Slavery Wealth


The ‘Slavery, Abolition and the University of Glasgow Report’, published last month, has revealed that the University of Glasgow received as much as £200 million indirectly from the slave trade throughout the 18th and 19th centuries.

While the University has long acknowledged its indirect links to the slave trade, it has often been overshadowed by the institution’s self-proclaimed ‘proud record of anti-slavery activity’. This includes playing a significant role in petitioning for the abolition of slavery in the UK, awarding an honorary degree to emancipist William Wilberforce and educating James McCune Smith, the first African American to receive a medical degree.

Nevertheless, the University has expressed its desire to deliver ‘reparative justice’. This will include the creation of a centre for the study of slavery, a memorial to those enslaved, and hopes of signing a Memorandum of Understanding with the University of the West Indies, facilitating greater academic collaboration in the future.

Beyond Glasgow, this report has raised uncomfortable yet important questions for institutions nationwide in regards to the slave trade, and it is expected that similar investigations will be carried out elsewhere in the future.

Joseph Bellamy


University of Cambridge: ‘Learning Together’ Scheme Offers Bursaries to Prisoners


The University of Cambridge, in partnership with ‘Learning Together’, is offering prisoners bursaries of up to £5,000.

Beginning in October of this year, any current or past convicts of five years are eligible for the scheme, provided they show academic talent and pass the ‘Learning Together’ programme.

Learning Together is a partnership that offers educational courses to prisoners, however Cambridge is the first University to actually deliver these courses on campus.

“Learning Together’s ultimate plan is to enable prisoners to gain a whole university degree, even when they are behind bars.”

Amy Ludlow, co-director of the ‘Learning Together’ initiative, and Senior Research Associate in Criminal Law and Justice at the University of Cambridge said that “Learning Together’s ultimate plan is to enable prisoners to gain a whole university degree, even when they are behind bars.”

The bursaries, funded by the University and the Longford Trust, are striving to give convicts a second chance at rebuilding their lives, and are awarded no matter what crime was committed.

Amelia Cutting


University of Cambridge: Student-Led Exhibition Celebrates Black Alumni


Image result for cambridge black alumni

Beginning in October, the University of Cambridge is opening an exhibition dedicated to black alumni. The exhibition, located in the library’s Royal Corridor will feature 14 portraits of Cambridge black graduates, old and new (known as Cantabs).

The Black Cantabs Research Society was formed by students in 2015 and have created the exhibition with the intention of discovering and displaying the histories of some of Cambridge’s famous black graduates.

Portraits in the gallery include Cambridge’s first black scholar, Francis Williams who studied in the 1720’s and the university’s first black female graduate of 1945 – Gloria Miller.

More recent faces include James Bond actress Naomie Harris and Diane Abbott MP. Speaking about her time studying history at Cambridge, Abbott said: “I was passionate about history…(but) there was no possibility of learning anything about Black History.”

The free exhibition is running from the 1st October until the end of December and is open to the public.

Amelia Cutting

Image: [BBC, Joe Giddens PA]


University of Sheffield: First-Class University Offers Class A Advice


Sheffield University has released a guide on how to take drugs safely.

The University stresses that, while they do not advocate taking drugs, they understand that some students will take drugs and want them to be as aware as possible. This guide was released with the intention of informing students about the risks of taking drugs, and reducing the potential harm that taking the substances can cause.

It gives clear instructions on taking drugs safely: starting with smaller doses, staying hydrated and never injecting alone are some of the tips given on their website. The university commented that it wanted to minimise the potential risks for students who do make the choice to take drugs.

The guide has come under criticism from some students, many of whom argue that the University should be looking after their students and not promoting dangerous substances. Particularly, those opposed believed that the guide ‘normalised drugs as part of student culture’.

Sheffield University has responded to this backlash by ensuring that they don’t promote drug use, but want those who do take them to be as safe as possible.

Charlotte Wood


Montana State University, USA: Bear on Campus Ensures Grizzly Start to MSU Semester


Students at MSU got a fright recently, after reports that a bear been seen roaming the University grounds.

University officials sent out an emergency alert at 1 am, urging students to be aware and cautious when on campus. Officials advised students not to approach the bear.

Campus police searched the area but didn’t find the bear, believed to have made its own way off campus.

“Just don’t get between them and the garbage can and usually you’re all right.”

One member of staff commented: “Usually, they’re not looking to eat anybody, they’re looking for garbage cans. Just don’t get between them and the garbage can and usually you’re all right.”

Campus police say the bear did not hurt anyone, but recommended that students be cautious, as bears do frequent the area around this time of year.

Megan Cummings

Image: [Times Higher Education]