Student who never turns up anyway is suing university over strike hours

Final year business student Katie Hopkins wants to sue the University of Leeds over the contact hours affected by the on-going strike.

Katie, who’s average attendance over her three-year course is roughly 18%, is appalled that the strikes mean several of her classes over a four-week period will be cancelled. She spoke to us exclusively about her concerns.

“I just think it’s outrageous that I’ll be losing out on valuable contact hours because of the strike”, said the person who once missed an entire week in second year due to a bad comedown, “the university must compensate us, it’s not right that we lose out when things like this happen.”

The strikes are taking place due to changes in the pension schemes for teaching staff, and will enter their third week on Monday. “I understand that my lecturers are upset about the changes, but they really shouldn’t do anything that affects the students”, continued the girl who has never once attended one of the many extra revision sessions put on by staff.

Katie went on to say, “it’s only fair that receive financial compensation, since we’re spending all this money just to be here”, seemingly forgetting about the time in first year when she missed a day of classes to go to the Manchester Christmas markets with her flatmates.

It is still unclear what the outcome of the strike will be, and whether the university will end up compensating students. But people like Katie can only hope that the university and the strikers put more effort into reaching a solution than she has made in attending her lectures and seminars over the past few years.