Elizabeth: Our Queen – A Good Kind of Nostalgic.

This week, Channel 5 aired the first in an 8-part series detailing the life of Queen Elizabeth II. The first episode, called ‘Queen in Waiting’ details the Queen’s younger years, ending with the death of King George VI in 1952.

It seems society has a desire to expose people’s private lives, Keeping up with the Kardashians is proof of this and Elizabeth: Our Queen fulfills this same (if slightly more British) role. It is presented through a wonderful range of photographs and videos not often available to the public and overall the show provides a well-researched, rare insight into the life of one of the most influential people on the planet.

It is refreshing and intriguing to hear from the people that know her best and the show is interspersed with interviews from a variety of sources closest to the monarch. These include the Queen Mother’s lady in waiting, relatives of Winston Churchill, friends, historians and photographers, right down to a choir boy who sung at the Queen’s wedding. If you enjoy Netflix’s The Crown, then think of this as a sort of factual accompaniment.

It is becoming increasingly uncool to like the royal family. Particularly among University students, I feel as though recommending a documentary about the Queen may fall on disgusted ears. Yes, it may seem old fashioned, but to anyone remotely interested in the history of our country (or history in general for that matter) I would highly suggest that you give this a watch. It may be being nostalgic but in this hostile and unpredictable world we live in today, I think it’s nice to look back at the life of a women who has embodied the British idiom ‘keep calm and carry on’ for over 60 years.

Watch Elizabeth: Our Queen, every Tuesday, 9pm on Channel 5.

Georgie Burgess

(Image: Good Housekeeping)