Which day is Valentine’s Day? Every day!

It’s easy and effortless to be romantic when every advertisement reminds us of Valentine’s Day, when every supermarket offers ranges of chocolates of every conceivable shape and every shop is selling romantic presents. It’s easy to love when love is in the air. But how to we keep this feeling going? Here’s a practical and romantic guide on how to keep the romance going all year round.

Surprise, surprise, surprise! Try to make some surprises throughout the year. Turning a normal day into a special one is the key. When you are in a relationship, it’s extremely important to make your partner feel loved, desired and appreciated. Here are few suggestions to get you inspired: book a romantic dinner at your beloved’s favourite spot, or, if you really want to amaze them, roll up your sleeves and make a homemade dinner. Add some candles, turn the lights off and let your romantic side do the rest. Small objects can make the difference. Write a few, sincere lines on a card and add it to a present, such as some flowers or a box of chocolates. These are things you would usually do on Valentine’s Day, but why not do it for no reason on a normal day? To make a gesture unexpected and spontaneous is much more valuable. If your wallet is looking thin, then remember that one of the most precious things you can offer is your time. Try to dedicate more time than usual to your partner. Spending some time together just relaxing, cuddling or talking is good couple therapy!

“All you need is love, Love is all you need”, sang The Beatles. So, let’s follow their advice: simply love! Make the other person know how much you care about them. Don’t fear being romantic. Love needs to be pampered. But love should also be humble and ‘easy-going’. Often, the simplest things are the best. Give an unexpected kiss, a big hug, or even a smile. Don’t take love for granted! A simple display of affection can avoid rows and bring harmony to the relationship. One more important word that usually emerges when talking about lovers is intimacy. Trying to understand your partner is essential. Don’t take your them for granted, especially if you have been together for a long time. By making them feel unique, you can keep the love going every day.

Keep things exciting! Do things you have never done! Experiencing something new together can help you both discover your own skills and rediscover some aspects of your partner. A day out on a walk or a hike can be an enjoyable and stimulating experience. Planning a journey is also something that everybody loves. Do you know that excitement that you feel whilst checking in for flights and hotels? Well, treat yourself by going on holiday to some great places. Take some time to relax and stay with the person you love. Sometimes we need to stop, breath in some fresh air and visit a new place. Once you’re back, you’ll feel regenerated and have good memories to go back on in your darker times.

As you can see, there’s a lot of inspiring things that you can do to make every day special. Of course, you can find your own way and give expression to more original ideas. These easy suggestions can show you that sometimes romance can be expressed more easily than we think and that we can be as potent as Cupid all year round!

Eleonora Peruch

(Image: Odyssey)