New year, new you – new society?

It’s the new year (just about..) and with the new year comes all the talk around pushing the boat out and trying something new. Taking the plunge can be daunting, but since these societies are all newbies too maybe it’ll be a case of problem shared and problem halved? In any case, novelty is always cool, we think, so do check out some of the following new societies at Leeds:


International Creative Writing

A new one to add to the number of literary arts societies already in operation at Leeds, but the only one with a multilingual focus. ICW have created a platform where students are free to write in their native language. More than 6,000 international students arrive at Leeds each year, so ICW is a brilliant initiative to ensure inclusivity and to maintain a diversity of voices around campus

LUU International Creative Writing


   Marine Science and Conservation (MSC)

If you watched Blue Planet II and marvelled at some of the marine life you didn’t even know existed, then you should consider joining MSC. They are dedicated to spreading awareness about our seas and oceans, but also about what we should all be doing preservation- wise to ensure everything remains stable. They are holding a virtual reality evening on Friday 23rd February allowing you to explore the world’s oceans and immerse yourself in the deep sea. In addition, there will be a talk and discussion from a marine conservation charity. Not one to miss.

LUU Marine Science & Conservation Society


Cryptocurrency and Blockchain

You’ve heard of Bitcoin, but do you know how it works? LUUCAB’s aims are to increase awareness and understanding of cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology. From hosting discovery lectures tackling questions such as ‘how can blockchain change the world?’ to cryptocurrency trading workshops, there’s lots to get involved with. And all for free!





Third Culture Kid

According to TCK, you’re a third culture kid if you’ve grown up in a culture other to that of your parents, but have developed an affinity for both cultures, meaning you may be in a somewhat unique position within your friend group. This society is internationally-focused, and provides an opportunity for third culture kids to meet and hang out, and share stories and experiences of cultural hybridity.

Third Culture Kids Society Leeds


For those who fancy recreating their Revs favourites, try Cocktail society. They host mixology lessons for beginners and encourage you to become familiar with an array of different drinks – both creating them and, more importantly, drinking them. Expect plenty of bar crawls and tasting sessions.


Leeds Cocktail Society


Discover the rest of Leeds’ 300+ clubs and societies, plus all the latest events, on the Union website.



Lara Groves