Fur Free, Finally…

In recent years, fur has become more than a fashion statement; it’s become an everyday essential, seen on coats, gilets, hats and more. Where previously real fur was a sign of a luxury garment, our generation is starting to favour a more ethical choice. Real fur is seen as outdated, and due to mass media we are learning more about where our clothes come from and if they are sustainably made. This is why so many young people are against fur – because there is just so much evidence to change our ideologies. 

Image: Pinterest

The People for the Ethical Treatment for Animals (PETA) have been trying to get multiple megabrands within the fashion industry to go fur free for many years. Brands such as Ralph Lauren, Tommy Hilfiger, H&M, Zara and Calvin Klein are all now fur free. Finally, Gucci has decided to join the above, going fur free with their Spring Summer collection of 2018 as well as joining the Fur Free Alliance (an alliance promising to stop the harm of animals for fur, as the name suggests). Chief executive and president Marco Bizzarri says that “Creativity can jump in many different directions instead of using fur”. And he’s right! Due to Gucci being famous for their fur slippers and many other extravagant fur products, it leaves a gap in their business which they could use to their advantage by experimenting with other innovative fabrics.

Despite this progress, fur is still being used by many other luxury brands such as Versus Versace and Burberry, who were both targeted by fur protestors during London Fashion Week. Many brands still have yet to realise that the world is changing, and they must change with it.

Jemima Ward

Image: Kate Cooper