Outfit of the week: Darla Dryland

As we were greeted by grey skies and rain clouds last week, I’ve been wearing my brightest, boldest clothes on campus in the hope that the weather might take a leaf out of my book! 

The Coat 

As anyone who knows me will know, I am OBSESSED with yellow. When I came across this saffron coat at a weigh and pay, it was love at first sight. I thought this coat was a perfect combination of fending off the rain, yet also radiating warmth and joyousness. I’ve been seeing a lot more people wearing yellow on campus recently and I am a big fan. 

The Jumper 

It’s safe to say that I wore this outfit on one of those ‘chuck on anything that’s clean days’, but as Alexander Wang says, ‘Anyone can get dressed up and glamorous, but it is how people dress on their days off that are the most intriguing.’ This is one of my favourite jumpers as it’s cosy, colourful and my friend once described me as looking as though ‘a rainbow had thrown up on me’, which I’ve always taken to be a compliment! 

The Shoes 

Although these shoes are completely falling apart, I absolutely love them. I recently breathed new life into them by replacing the old black laces with these lemon yellow ones. I think laces are a great way to add just that little bit more colour into an outfit. Even if you’re someone who loves to wear darker items of clothing, a tiny splash of colour can make it all just that little bit more interesting.

Darla Dryland

Image: Darla Dryland