Bambino by Superfood

As the blue skies over summer begin to fade into the perpetually overcast days we all know and loath, don’t fret, for Superfood are set to release their finest and most self-aware project to-date: their new, immaculate album Bambino.

At its core, Bambino represents the new Superfood. Streamlined to just Dom Ganderton and Ryan Malcolm, the pair seem to have reached a summit where they’ve settled comfortably into their true identity. It was evident from the release of the duo’s debut single, ‘Double Dutch’, that the scrappy Don’t Say That days of Superfood are over. Each track on Bambino has the integrity to stand alone, yet simultaneously tie together to create a record that is faultless; mature and polished at its core and contagiously optimistic throughout.

The Birmingham duo were picked up by mega-label Dirty Hit at the beginning of 2017 and, fittingly, Bambino is full of dirty hits. From the tropical breeze of ‘Natural Supersoul’ and ‘Raindance’ to the silky smooth groove of ‘Need A Little Spider’, the new and impeccable Superfood transport you to a haze of feel-good-feel-nothing bliss. ‘Where’s The Bass Amp’ pulls you in and picks you up with its care-free groove that drifts throughout the album. Sun-kissed singles ‘I Can’t See’ and ‘Unstoppable’ complement each other wonderfully, with their tasty loops and shared optimism in the face of hardship. ‘Unstoppable’ in particular feels like a poignant track with an important part on the album, as it almost feels symbolic of Ganderton and Malcolm’s slog self-producing Bambino with “no money, no label and [wanting] to give up several times.”

But, thankfully, they powered through, and produced an album that will undoubtedly influence a new wave of innovation and determination within the UK indie scene.

Bambino will be released via Dirty Hit Records on 8th September 2017.

Meg Firth



Where’s The Bass Amp ?

I Can’t See


Wibble Mtn

Natural Supersoul

Need A Little Spider


C Is For Colour

Double Dutch



