Single Review: Strip That Down by Liam Payne

It’s been a busy week for One Direction fans- and this is whilst the band are on hiatus. Liam Payne is the last member of 1D to release solo material, and the one whose new direction is perhaps the most surprising.

He’s gone for r&b influenced pop, collaborating with the rapper Quavo- of Migos fame. His ever-slick voice suits the style well and the tune is certainly catchy- guaranteed to get in your head -but that’s it. The lyrics themselves (penned with Ed Sheeran) are somewhat basic, and seem like a first draft rather than the finished product. It does not feel genuine; it’s reminiscent of Miley Cyrus’ appropriation of black music culture, a gimmick meant to distance her from her Disney past. Yet, according to Payne, he isn’t interested in separating himself from One Direction. Rather, he is the most adamant of the boys that this is not the end for the band.

Which is why the line “used to be in 1D (now I’m out free)” is such a confusing one – and frankly, distressing for fans. Liam, we just want the truth. Please, strip THAT down.

Sophia Simon-Bashall

Image: [The Fader]

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