With celebrities popping up left rigth and centre these days, social media continues to blur the lines between their private and public lives. Recently, the boundaries of using personal information as bait duirng interviews has […]
With celebrities popping up left rigth and centre these days, social media continues to blur the lines between their private and public lives. Recently, the boundaries of using personal information as bait duirng interviews has […]
Deaf Havana have an odd mix of fans. Some who are ‘only there for the old stuff’, some who are only familiar with 2018’s synth-pop leaning Rituals, and the dedicated who love it all. Thankfully, […]
YUNGBLUD’s debut album 21st Century Liability was a heavily cynical piece of work – a brutal look at society and all its flaws. There’s nothing wrong with staring our problems in the face like that […]
Do you know who you are? Harry Styles begins a new era with this big, existential question – plastered across billboards in various major cities, accompanied by Styles’ now signature slogan ‘TPWK’ (Treat People With […]
The LGBTQ+ spectrum is incredibly diverse – hence the 5+ letters in the acronym – but you wouldn’t know it looking at most playlists and articles about queer artists. It is white, cisgender gay men […]
In case you haven’t already heard, emo megastars Fall Out Boy dropped a new record last month. M A N I A is their 7th full-length album, and their 3rd post-hiatus. If this isn’t news […]
It’s been a wonderful whirlwind of a year for Deaf Havana, following the release of their long-awaited 4th album All These Countless Nights. Coming to the end of the album cycle, music wirter Sophia Simon-Bashall […]
Leeds’ O2 Academy has seen plenty of sold-out nights, yet the queues outside have never seemed so endless as they were tonight. The line for Dua Lipa snakes around the building and along the street, […]
Brudenell Social Club looks like something taken straight out of an 80s coming-of-age film – complete with soft bench seats and a disco ball. The intermission playlist features songs such as Rick Springfield’s ‘Jessie’s Girl’ […]
Wolf Alice’s debut full-length, My Love is Cool, was an album to define the times. This is a band who have brought together people of wildly different musical tastes, without intentionally crafting their sound to […]
Niall Horan’s solo career thus far has been unpredictable, to say the least. His first single – the nostalgic and entirely lovely ‘This Town’ – was acoustic and simple, and set him up to move […]
Architects’ massive 7th album, All Our Gods Have Abandoned Us, was always going to be a difficult one to follow up. It was the band’s most commercially successful release to date, and undeniably the heaviest, […]