Dusky live w/ Mella Dee and Alan Fitzpatrick at Canal Mills 18/02

Last Friday Dusky, Mella Dee, Alan Fitzpatrick and more came together in Leeds for a night of exceptional techno on the muddy Canal Mills floor.

After a suitable warm up from the electronic-techno Mella Dee, Dusky kicked off with a memorable start to their set. Think triumphant lighting and a big build up to the sounds of synths and keyboard, warming up the crowd for what was set to be a an exciting hour and a half. ‘Sort It Out Sharon’ was boldly dropped, and the collaboration of grime and techno, which could have been a risk at an exclusively techno event, went down well, as the dulcet tones of Wiley reverberated off the walls.

What was unique was that Dusky seemed to fade the music out at the end of each track; there was no continuous sound. This was met with a mixed response, some people finding it too jarring, others enjoying the tense moment of wondering what sound was coming next. Alan Fitzpatrick followed up with a set of jump up techno, and a continuous mix of tunes that contrasted to the more experimental set Dusky had put on. This was met with a great response, and his conclusion of the night with ‘We Do What We Want’ sent everyone home on a high.

What was surprising about the night was the massive variety of people in the crowd. It was an event that had attracted more than the average Leeds uni student, and revellers of all ages from all over had travelled for the event, including friends from Warwick, Bristol and more. This meant there was a real energy in the crowd; people had come a long way to get there and definitely wanted to get the most of it. The venue was also packed, with everyone squished in shoulder-to-shoulder, and it’s hard not to feel a certain energy with such a mass of people buzzing over the same music.

Grab tickets for Mono_cult 10th Birthday with Tale Of Us and Bicep on 4th March for Canal Mills’ next big party.

Amelia Whyman 

(Image: Justin Gardner Photography)

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