Inside Leeds RAG Fashion Show

This years Fashion Show is being held in the Refectory on Thursday 23rd February. Entitled Samsara, the show places an emphasis on sustainability and the circle of life, with the chosen charities this year being Cruelty Free International and Labour Behind The Label. Tickets are available on the LUU website.

What are the three words that capture the essence of the RAG fashion show?

Current, sustainable, ethical.

What role does the show play within the union/what does it hope to achieve in terms of making a statement?

As one of the biggest events in the union calendar that is led solely by students, the show exhibits the huge levels of creativity we have as a committee with an end goal of producing a memorable show with a strong message. We want people to come away from it with a clearer understanding of how fashion links to the cycle of the earth, and how the definition of Samsara is really important in making the audience reconsider their own fashion-led behaviour while at the same time coming away with new ideas on how they wear their own personal fashion.

What makes this years show special?

Our charities this year link closely with the theme, both being related to sustainability and ethical practice within fashion. We have made a conscious and active effort to really make sure that the show is both ethical and sustainable. Another aspect is in production – this year we are making it more like a traditional fashion show that you would see at fashion week, and the production side means that the show will be incredibly immersive and entertaining without losing the professional elements of a fashion show.

Why do you think the chosen chairties are important?

We live in a world where fast fashion means that the rights of those who provide to the industry are constantly overlooked, and instead the focus is on how much money the industry makes. This obviously is a huge issue in terms of human rights, so Labour Behind the Label is making a change to people’s lives in terms of changing the way that the industry treats garment makers, as well as giving the workers a platform in which to improve their own lives. Cruelty Free International Trust is linked with Cruelty Free International, focusing on researching alternatives to animal testing and providing the legal grounds in order to contest the mistreatment of animals in the name of beauty, which is something that we have avoided by choosing the ethical makeup brand Illamasqua to do the model’s makeup for the show.

What specifically should we be excited for in the show?

We have excellent music provided by FLUX djs, which, alongside with our incredibly creative stylist and production teams, will truly transform the refectory from a regular eating area to a truly immersive fashion experience that we hope our audience will be discussing for months to come.

What has been the best part of putting the show together?

Meeting and working alongside the really talented committee has formed new friendships and developed creative skills that many of the members would otherwise not have been able to do. I personally study politics so being able to have a creative output within the university environment is really important to me, and being part of the show provides just that.”


Meg Painter

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