A look at this year’s Leeds RAG Fashion Show charities…

Every year the RAG Fashion Show selects some great charities to support through ticket sales and donation, and this year is no exception with Labour Behind The Label and Cruelty Free International Trust being the charities of choice for the 2017 show.

Labour Behind The Label

Labour Behind The Label works to improve the conditions of textile workers the world over with a particular focus on women who make up 80% of the garment workforce. The charity has many campaigns from the ‘change your shoes’ campaign which aims for transparency in who is making our shoes and in what conditions, to the ‘living wage’ campaign which focusses on giving workers beyond the minimum wage to truly cover the ever increasing cost of living. There’s much more information on their website as well as information on how to donate if you’re unable to buy a ticket for the RAG show.

Cruelty Free International Trust

The second charity supported by this year’s show is Cruelty Free International Trust; a charity all about finding alternatives to animal experiments. They have specific aims and objectives in making sure that laws around animal experiments are complied with as well as spreading more information about the subject in order to educate as many people as possible.

Victoria Copeland

Cover Image: http://www.onegreenplanet.org


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