LSR’s Transmission @ Brudenell Social Club, 9/2/16

Transmission was a showcase of local talent that showed a sold out Brudenell Social Club that Leeds is where it’s at. Where most local talent nights in Leeds have crowds that seem to have forgotten they’re at a gig, Leeds Student Radio managed to create a night that overflowed with vivacity.

Engine kicked off proceedings, with the four -piece bringing a dash of psychedelia to the half full main room, featuring guitar solos echoing Pink Floyd. The bass player deserves special recognition; he had his shit together.

Whilst Engine channelled psychedelic heroes Pink Floyd, Team Picture aimed for Pixies and Sonic Youth. Celebrating the release of their 90’s alt rock style single ‘Back To Bay Six’ on Come Play With Me, the group mostly convinced the sold out main room they deserved their place on the night.

Next up, Laminate Pet Animal brought an electronic edge to the evening, with their music evoking the likes of Bonobo and The xx. However, a combination of technical issues and an ever present background chatter from the audience meant they struggled to fully showcase their talent. Soft intros were barely audible, leaving only the bass heavy melodies to carry the set, which sadly failed to live up to expectation.

However, it was nine-piece soul band Necktr who stole the show, with an instrumentally diverse set which sent the crowd wild. Their jazzy, afrobeat sound really lent itself to the main stage, meaning you couldn’t help but nod along as the trumpet and trombone filled the room with a positive energy. They easily received the biggest applause of the night, one which was fully justified.

Overall, The Transmission was a storming success and showed just why Leeds is considered one of the best cities for new up and coming bands.

Ben Roberts

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