Local Leeds: Treeboy & Arc @ Wharf Chambers, 8/2/17

Wharf Chambers feels like an appropriate venue for Treeboy & Arc. The LCoM boys carry a very Fat Whites/Eagulls vibe about them, but managing to straddle the boundary between utter cynicism and teenage ennui. In among the scuzz and DIY vibes of Wharf Chambers’ exposed brick and cement, Treeboy look right at home.

The evening built up fittingly, culminating in the noisy crescendo that was Treeboy & Arc. First support Sinkers put forward their own brand of noisy indie rock; they were all clearly very talented musicians and into their music, but in a very introverted way, lacking something of the interaction necessary to communicate this passion to the audience. The Magic Eye Pictures brought some cheery patter, sounding like a Leeds version of a noughties American pop punk band. By the time Treeboy took the stage, the crowd were raring for what they had to offer.

Between swigs of beer and dishing out cheeky winks to all their mates in the crowd, Treeboy & Arc delivered a performance to be proud of. Holding their instruments like shields as they grooved for their lives behind them, the sound they produced was intricate and demonstrated their skill as musicians, whilst simultaneously creating a bloody good fuzz to groove to. Complex tempo changes showcased the ability of each member of the band to not only keep up with everyone else, but push each other forward, driving the tune and the audience into a frenzy.

Treeboy & Arc are part of a class of bands that are more vibey than muso. This makes for a far more inclusive experience; testament to this is the mosh pit that started up in the second song, and the synchronised headbanging towards the end of the set. When they broke into ‘Neighbourhood Witch Part 1’, the crowd was right there behind them, shouting the words back at the stage.
They might only have one song released, but the cult following of Treeboy & Arc looks set to soar. Look out Leeds.

Jemima Skala

(Image: Luke Corrigan)

Watch the video for ‘Neighbourhood Witch (Part 1)’ below and catch them next at Brudenell supporting Howl on Saturday 18th February.


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