LUU LEADERSHIP RACE: Community, community, community!

Mark is running to be Gryphon Editor, here are his views on (you guessed it) community!

There’s a lot going on in Leeds and we’re incredibly lucky as students to be able to have so much to engage with with. However, this can sometimes be overlooked in the bubbles of Headingley and Hyde Park. Here’s two points worth thinking about which could really help The Gryphon expand as a platform for the voices of the students of Leeds.

I work part time at Lush. They help raise money for charity through a hand and body lotion aptly named charity pot where 100% of the money goes to good causes (minus VAT). It showed me how good causes such as Camp Nibble, a bunny sanctuary located in Leeds and Basis Yorkshire, a charity which aims to help empower women and for them make safe choices – two very distinct and contrasting charities, both of which are based in and around Leeds – both of which I never knew existed beyond university. It made me wonder what The Gryphon could do by using its platform to help such voices to be heard. It’s the idea of paying it forward and giving something back to Leeds. It’s another way to allow people to have their voices heard by using the newspaper.

The great Culture Capital bid of 2023 – it was very touch and go as to whether or not Leeds was going to go ahead with it but alas, in true Leeds sprit, we fought our ground and the bid is going to be enriching, exciting and engaging and The Gryphon needs to be there. I spend most of my time in Leeds, even beyond term time so I see a different side to it than others may – from the Leeds Carnival through to Light Night – these are all amazing things Leeds has to offer and with such a variety, it should go hand in hand with the variety of students which Leeds welcomes each year and The Gryphon has the perfect opportunity to refresh its involvement with the community starting with more involvement in events which may often get overlooked.

So, community and culture – something that may not seem like something for a Gryphon Editor candidate to prioritise but, as you can see, something that is truly worth thinking about as a way to boost the platform which The Gryphon represents and also a way to help students really maximise their resources available here in a city which I really think is about to take off!

Mark McDougall, running to be Gryphon Editor.

(Image courtesy of Canifest)


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