LUU LEADERSHIP RACE: Communication is key!

Reece is running to be Gryphon Editor in the LUU Leadership Race, here are his views on the issue of communication between the exec and student body.

From first arriving on campus as a fresh faced, spirited 18 year old, to lurching through my final year as the withered shadow of a man carrying a £27k burden, I have been passionate about student politics. I have heard some truly fantastic campaign promises from exec candidates which I have subsequently endorsed, and have then been hopeful for the future when they have been elected. Often such candidates have delivered on their promises, but some have failed. It is up to The Gryphon to hold the student exec accountable for achieving their campaign promises.

To give an example, in 2014 I voted for Jonny Foster to be Community Officer on the terms he would help introduce more housing contracts without summer rent. This has not been introduced, and this is merely one instance of our student body not receiving what they have voted for. I do not blame Jonny for this, he was in my opinion a brilliant Community Officer otherwise, and often legislation brought in by the exec take a number of years to fully implement. Clearly the issue here is a failure to find an effective manner to communicate between the exec and the student body.

If elected Gryphon Editor, I would introduce weekly columns for the exec on the inside cover of The Gryphon, so that each member could document what they have done this week for you. This will create an effective form of communication between the exec and our student body. Under my management, The Gryphon would become a paper which would ensure our student body receives the leadership they deserve. It would become a paper which works for you.

Reece Parker, running to be Gryphon Editor.
(Image courtesy of Simon Walsh)

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