Transgender Day of Remembrance in LUU

November the 21st marks Trans Day of Remembrance.

2016 has been the deadliest year on record for trans people, and in particular trans women of colour, as many have been unlawfully killed.

At 5.30pm, the Union will hold a vigil to commemorate those that we have lost, which will be followed by a panel discussion about the experiences of and violence against trans people of colour and then time to ask questions.

The vigil will also pay respect to those who have died from suicide. A survey conducted by Pace, a mental health charity for LGBTQ people, found that 48% of trans people under 26 said that they had attempted suicide and 59% said that they had considered doing so.

Emma Healey, the LUU Equality and Diversity exec said that “2016 has been the deadliest year on record for trans people, and that only seems set to increase following the recent US election results. When trans people, and especially trans women of colour, are killed just for existing – it is clear something needs to change.

“We are taking this opportunity to remember all those who have been unlawfully killed this year – such as Will Lound, a trans student killed in halls at the University of Salford, or Noony Norwood who was shot and killed on November 6th in Virginia.

“We will remember the countless trans people who have died from suicide, a list that is only growing following the US election. We will stand in solidarity with the 48% of young trans people who have attempted suicide.
“We will stand together to condemn violence against trans people. We will oppose the imprisonment of trans women in men’s prisons – such as Vikki Thompson who took her life last year following being held in a men’s prison in Armley, Leeds. We remember those who have passed and commit to fighting for every trans persons future.

“This event is more important that ever following the Orlando shooting earlier this year which targeted queer and trans people of colour, in what should have been a safe space.

“Please join us outside Leeds University Union for a vigil to commemorate those we have lost. We will then have a panel discussion around the experiences of trans people of colour followed by a Q&A. To round the evening off, we will have a trans-only space which will be showing the Matrix, badge-making, and offering cake and refreshments.”

If you would like to attend the vigil and want more information, take a look at their Facebook event.


Polly Hatcher


(Image: Trans Day of Remembrance, Facebook)

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