Preview: LUU Dance Competition

On the 25th of November, the new and improved Riley Smith Hall will play host to one of the biggest nights of the year: the Leeds University Union Dance Competition. The Union has within it 15 incredible dance societies, all of whom will be competing against one another to win a host of awards: Best Male; Best Female; Best Costume; Best Concept; Best Choreography; and Best Overall. Societies can enter group pieces as well as solos or duets, so there is a wide selection of dance performances from Street to Bhangra to entertain the 3 professional judges – as well of course as the expectant university crowd.

Teams have been preparing rigorously for this night since September and it will be the first opportunity for many of the dance societies to show off their amazing talents alongside all of their 2016 dance freshers. Shrouded in mystery is the prospect of special guest performances, who are yet to be announced, and will surely make a fine addition to the evening. The promise of seeing the 15 LUU dance societies, some special guest performers, as well as numerous other LUU performance societies is enough to ensure that it will be an unforgettable night.

Tickets for this enthralling night of art and athleticism are still available, and you can find them with just a quick search on Facebook. So, if this highly anticipated competition seems like your cup of tea, you would be foolish not to go and check it out.

You can buy tickets online here.

James Candler and Lauren Huxley

(Image courtesy of LUU Dance Competition’s event on Facebook)

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