Why does Britain favour Costa when the world favours Starbucks?

(Photo from : Worldvs.com)

Together, Costa and Starbucks account for 72 percent of spending in Britain’s branded coffee-shops and with 1.7bn cups of coffee sold each year in the UK, it’s no surprise that Costa and Starbucks fight for bragging rights. Whilst Costa may be ‘The Nation’s Favourite Coffee Shop’, currently Starbucks wins 80% of worldwide voters’ hearts.

Whether I’m revising, meeting my friends or catching up with my mum over Christmas drinks in red cups with our names on, Starbucks always seems to offer me the perfect place to do so, an atmosphere which, for me, Costa just doesn’t replicate. But, with Costa’s UK profits quadrupling those of Starbucks, it looks like not everyone agrees.

So, what makes Britain so overly fond of Costa compared to the popular American coffee shop? Personally, I’m not convinced any taste bud could turn down a pumpkin spice, so I did some research and asked the Brits themselves and here’s what they said


“Starbucks has too much choice”

Americans love choice. We appreciate a menu filled with flavours and being able to personalise our skinny double shot vanilla soya cappuccino with extra foam to suit exactly our taste. It seems that the British, particularly older generations, are more interested in where can offer them the highest quality Americano, Cappuccino or Latte, just as it comes. So, whilst Starbucks numerous dessert drinks and variations of coffee suit the American taste, it seems that Britain prefers Costa’s less varied menu.

Costa is more widely available.

The preference for Costa may simply come from the fact that there are more Costa shops around and in more convenient places. Equally, Costa’s been in England since 1970 so, for many 18-25 year old Brits this simple fact meant they prefer Costa because it reminded them of their childhood as its where they were often taken for a sweet treat back when Starbucks was only just beginning to build its brand in the UK.

 Costa’s menu suits British tastes

 You Brits really are a sucker for a bargain. So obviously you’ll pick a £1.95 Costa Americano over a £2.10 Starbucks one. What’s more, Costa’s food menu, including pigs in blanket paninis and cherry bakewell tarts is far more ‘British’ than that of Starbucks’, which just screams Yankee, featuring the likes of cinnamon swirls, s’mores brownies and pumpkin spice loaf.

And so here we conclude, Britain just loves costa; it’s no surprise that it’s the nations favourite coffee shop, despite Starbucks being infinitely better. Oh well, that’s just one American girls opinion…

By Chloe Pryce 



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