Criolo @ Belgrave Music Hall 23/04/16

Despite being a prominent Hip-Hop figure in his native homeland of Brazil, there must have been slight apprehension on behalf of Criolo and his live band. Apprehension built in the fact that they were scheduled to perform in a small city half-way across the world, with no knowledge of how well or badly they’d be received. All those pre-show nerves would have disappeared instantly when taking a peak at the crowd before coming on stage; although ariving slightly late on stage, Criolo was welcomed to a rousing atmosphere, creating a little pocket Brazil in Belgrave Music Hall.

What became immediately clear as Criolo commanded the stage and his talented live band begun to sink into their hypnotic melodies is that they are very highly thought of. Jiving, jumping and twisting to his every word, the crowd were really digging what he had to offer. The well-known anthems ‘Ainda Ha Tempo’, ‘Convoque Seu Buda’ & ‘Nao Existe Amor Em SP’ were all a resounding hit with the willing crowd, but even the lesser hits were met with the same verve and enthusiasm. What was compelling to observe was the different nature of South American Hip-Hop compared the usual American influenced genre we’re so used to; there was more singing, a greater focus on a live band and a very emotive performance. Not things we would usually associate with Hip-Hop, but it made for fantastic viewing. Whether you’re an avid fan of Criolo or just generally intrigued by what he has to offer as a musician, I would heavily advise snapping up a ticket wherever he chooses to perform next in the UK. It was both a pleasure and privilege to see this artist up close and personal in such an intimate venue.


Niall Ballinger

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