The well-fed student: Super scrambles

Lots of people don’t see breakfast as a proper meal, but it is just as important as the others, and it’s good to try to get a balanced combination of carbs, protein, and fruit/veg into every single meal. A portion of protein at breakfast time will satiate you and keep you full until lunchtime – cereal and toast just don’t do the same job!

Eggs are a cheap source of protein, but really valuable in terms of their nutrient content. I’ve given you recipes for eggs two ways – one savoury, one sweet. Sweet eggs sound weird, but trust me on this one. Both recipes are SO delicious, and are my favourite breakfasts at the moment. It’s really important to make sure you use free range eggs – this means the chickens were better treated and healthier, so you will have a much more nutritious egg, as well as a clearer conscience.

Sweet Scrambled Eggs with Banana & Blueberries

You will need:

1 teaspoon of butter or coconut oil.

1 ripe banana (the spottier the better as this means it will be sweeter).

2 free range eggs.

A handful of blueberries (or any other berries you prefer, I used frozen blueberries).

A sprinkle of cinnamon.

1 teaspoon of peanut butter or almond butter (optional).

[1] Mash ¾ of the banana, leaving a quarter as a topping – I find it easiest to mash on a small plate.

[2] Put the mashed banana in a mug, jug or bowl, add the eggs and whisk together.

[3] Melt the butter or coconut oil on a low heat in a saucepan, and add the egg and banana mixture with a sprinkle of cinnamon.

[4] Keep stirring on a very low heat, and when the eggs are starting to cook add in the blueberries.

[4] Cook the eggs to your liking and then put them on top of some buttered bread (again, I like rye). Top with slices of the leftover banana, more cinnamon, and a drizzle of peanut butter or almond butter if you want it to be extra amazing. You could also add some honey if you like, but I don’t think it needs it!


Loaded Scrambled Eggs with Tomato, Spinach & Feta

8517c7fc-f015-4d67-8e83-944fe351e39c-1You will need:

1 teaspoon of butter.

1 salad tomato (or 5 cherry tomatoes).

A big handful of spinach, roughly chopped (or 2 chunks of frozen spinach).

2 free range eggs.

20g feta.

Melt the butter on a low heat in a saucepan.

[1] Chop up the tomato into small pieces and fry it in the butter until soft, then add in the spinach until it is wilted.

[2] Whisk the eggs together in a mug, jug or bowl, then add to the tomatoes and spinach. Keep the pan on a low heat as you stir.

[3] When the eggs are almost cooked, crumble the feta and add it to the mix, stirring until the eggs are cooked to your liking. Season with salt and pepper.

[4] Serve on some buttered bread. I like to use rye bread (which is wheat free, but not gluten free).


Patsy O’Neill


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