Heir @ 360 Club 12/3/16

Playing to a sold out 360 club packed full of family, friends and fans, Heir’s launch of their debut EP When The Lights Went Out was certainly a night not to be missed.

Bursting onto the stage, this exciting 5-piece indie-pop band opened with the first song on the EP ‘Call Off The Search’, immediately capturing the audience with the enchanting lead vocals of Tom Hammond and powerful harmonies that are at the core of almost every one of Heir’s songs. Despite initially seeming nervous, the roaring applause of the audience quickly dissolved any fears and it was clear to see that these Leeds College of Music students couldn’t have been happier anywhere other than on stage.

Having only previously released two songs online, the band played a varied set which mixed EP tracks with new songs and fan favourites, all of which showing how versatile yet skilful they are as live performers. Particular standouts included ‘All Comes Down’ with its bluesy undertones, catchy hooks and memorable lyrics that got the audience bopping along from the start. ‘I’ll Pick You Up’ also demonstrated the talent of the band to write effortless, catchy pop songs by pairing gorgeous falsetto with shimmering yet bold guitar, confident drumming, faultless piano and solid bass, despite apparently breaking the sound system halfway through the song.

However, the highlight of the night was most definitely the acoustic, campfire-esque version of ‘Desperado’. All five bandmates gathered around a single mic with only a guitar for accompaniment and showed off the spine-tingling harmonies that capture your attention but steal your breath away.

By the time the encore rolled around the band came across as natural professionals on stage with their humble yet humorous chat, and were consistently engaged with their music and their audience alike. From start to finish the atmosphere in the small room was electric, giving the impression that this was the beginning of something very special and exciting for Heir.


Lucy Bradshaw

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