Over 7000 vote in Exec & Gryphon elections

A total of 7744 students cast their vote in this year’s leadership race, a slight decrease from the 8,488 students that voted last year, despite the voting period being extended by three days.

More first years voted that any other year of study, with 41% of freshers taking part, compared to 26.5% of second years and 17.6% of third years.

There was a high turnout rate among Central Village residents, 30.4% of whom voted, as well as Devonshire Hall (36.1%) and North Hill Court (41%). Some of the halls with the lowest turnout rates included Grayson Heights (23.4%), The Tannery (24.5%) and StMark’s (26.4%).

In the battle of the faculties, Arts and Biological Sciences came out on top, with 30.9% of their students voting. Environment was close behind with 30.2% of students voting, with the faculty of Medicine and Health turnout coming in at a much lower 16.3%.

The results of this year’s leadership race will be announced at 6pm on Friday in the union foyer. The results will be broadcast live on LSR and LSTV.


Jess Murray

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