Campus Watch: 11/03/2016

61-year-old pornstar lecturer investigated

A chemical engineering lecturer at The University of Manchester is being investigated after his secret life as a porn star was revealed. Professor Nicholas Goddard, 61, is lead tutor on three courses and is believed to have started his second career as ‘Old Nick’ following a divorce. The University has declined to comment.

Jonny Chard

Uni dispense with ‘House Masters’

Harvard has joined other Ivy League University’s such as Yale and Princeton by dispensing with the title of ‘house masters’ to describe the lead advisors of student dormitories. Instead, they will be called ‘faculty deans’. The decision follows protests in US universities which claim that the title was strongly reminiscent of the country’s history of involvement in the slave trade.

Rebecca Ward

Student deportation sparks protests

Students at Sussex university occupied a building on campus to protest against the deportation of a former student to Nigeria. Luqman Onikosi, 36, was diagnosed with hepatitis B, the disease which both his brothers died of, while studying for a masters degree university. The protesters feel sending Onikosi back to Nigeria would amount to a death sentence considering his poor health.

Jess Murray


University student dies in fall

An engineering student at the University of Cambridge has died in a fall at Girton College. Thomas Millward, 19, was taken to hospital on Saturday with serious head injuries but died the following day. His death is not being treated as suspicious, but a 19 year old woman has been arrested on suspicion of supplying drugs.

Jonny Chard



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