Feature – Deep Fever: The Final Party

Recently, the guys behind Deep Fever threw their final party after a successful three-year run. Three is definitely the magic number for this underground house, techno and disco event, having acquired a loyal following and a reputation as a much-loved ‘party for the people’ since its inception. Their intimate events have always involved brilliant music, an energetic crowd and a seriously feel-good atmosphere all round, so it came as no surprise that Friday’s event delivered on all these fronts and then some.

Musically the night was superbly varied, with the DF residents and headliners Move D and Hesseltime effortlessly mixing everything from feel-good disco to smooth deep house and infectious afrobeat. Mint stayed full right through to the end and the vibe was something none of us will forget in a hurry. The party didn’t even stop when the club closed its doors at 6am, as the most faithful dancers moved to Musiquarium (where it all began for DF) for an after party with Move D taking to the decks once more. If you want to re-live the magic of the night, go and watch the videos on Move D’s Facebook page taken from the DJ booth – you’ll be beaming afterwards.

It’s also only right to commend the promoters’ hosting duties of past bigger events. Most notably, their residents Will Eastlake, Gessture_ and TMS have always delivered the goods when Deep Fever have hosted the Black Box at Flux, and only a lucky few will remember the electricity they created on that ever so intimate hidden gem of a stage at Beacons Festival in 2014, where DF was an official music partner.

So all good things must come to an end, but it’s safe to say the Deep Fever brand has made a lasting mark on Leeds’ nightlife. We asked Adam Lind and Ryan Kaye, Deep Fever’s head honchos, for some final thoughts.

What have been your top three Deep Fever moments?

Adam: Having Move D play at the last ever after party at our original home of The Musiquarium was definitely a huge highlight. It was such a great feeling of nostalgia to even be back at this great warehouse space in Kirkstall that holds such a special place in our heart. It was like doing a complete cycle for us to finish where we started and Move D gracing the decks just topped it all off. Another top moment has to be our warehouse loft party, we always had the dream to hire out a completely empty space and do everything ourselves. It was definitely the hardest party we’ve ever put on but the results also made it the most rewarding. Being a club partner at Beacons festival was also a huge moment for us. Beacons was always a festival we’d admired so to be an official club partner and have our resident play was an honour.

Ryan: The Final Party for me was the highlight of it all; the whole 24 hours were amazing, the best party we’ve ever thrown with one of the most unbelievable atmospheres I’ve experienced. Second to that, the Dog Eat Dog loft party was another special one as the concept took so much time and effort and to this day I am still so bloody proud of that night. Finally, the Tief showcase is my third top moment as that whole night was completely flawless; our first party on a weekend too and it was so much fun!


Which other Leeds events do you particularly recommend now Deep Fever is about to come to an end?

Adam: My personal favourite party in Leeds is definitely Cosmic Slop. I love the whole family-feel ethos of the party, the fact that there’s no guest list and that all the proceeds go to charity. The crowd and the vibe are always really special and I love the venue and the diversity of the music…There aren’t many parties like it!

Ryan: ALTER is really cool upcoming techno night with some top promoters behind it; would seriously recommend checking that out for the harder industrial stuff and regular live sets. Twisted Giesha at Distrikt is also an interesting new night to look forward to with some fresh parties in the pipeline. Once a month you will almost always find me front left of Wire for Butter Side Up, top bookings and the best residents in Leeds, hands down.

Given the unanticipated  extent to which your parties have grown over the past few years, what do you think has been the secret to your success?

Adam: A lot of people ask me for advice on how to start their own club night and on how we started and I think our success boils down to a few main factors. The fact that we had no original expectations when we started is a big one, looking back to when we created Deep Fever as a music blog I would never have believed you if you told me that three years down the line we would have thrown the parties and grown in the way that we did! This meant it all happened quite naturally without us pushing to grow too fast too quickly. Another strong point was the brand, we built a name for ourselves that people took to as a Deep Fever music page a good couple of months before we decided to try throwing a party. The fact that people were already aware of our brand I think helped too. And finally the overwhelming support we had from our friends and local Leeds DJs contributed massively.

Ryan: I think part of the secret is that people like Deep Fever for whatever it is and would come to the night to be a part of it rather than going to any random night that made a big booking in a decent club. Things like party atmosphere, the love of the music and a general positive vibe were what we had to offer and luckily the right people found us I guess; I believe the passion is infectious. I also think the support has been a massive factor and we would have never achieved such ‘success’ if it wasn’t for all the people around us.

What tips can you give for promoters just starting out?

Adam: We were once given a piece of advice to ‘never book something bigger than you are’ and that is something we carried with us throughout. Some new nights starting out book really big names in big clubs before people have even heard of their brand. I think that’s a common mistake as it often overshadows the brand and party itself. We threw our first three parties using only local unsigned talent and a fairly unknown out of town venue which really let us scope the sound and vibe we wanted for Deep Fever whilst letting people become attached to the party rather than the headliner.

Ryan: If you’re gonna do something, make sure you put your back into it and believe. Anything is possible. Try not to be disheartened if events don’t always go well. Keep it real.

Julia Connor

Photo credits: Deep Fever

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