The well-fed student: Savvy spending edition

Morrisons, Sainsbury’s, Abu Bakr and Asda Online seem to be where we all shop the most, so I’ve compared prices in these shops, alongside places like Millie’s and Taste of the Orient (on Vicar Lane), Kirkgate Market and Aldi to find you the best bargains in Leeds.

Bargain Bits and Bobs

Soy sauce – 99p for a massive bottle in Taste of the Orient oriental supermarket, they also sell massive bottles of sweet chili sauce for £1.80 and sriracha for £1.60.

Creamed coconut blocks – one makes 2 tins worth of coconut milk. 75p from Morrisons.

Spices (in packets) – 50p (special offer) in Sainsbury’s, 64p in Morrisons.

Dairy-free milk – I usually get whatever is on offer in the big supermarkets, if not in the chilled section, check the long life milk section – that’s usually where I find almond milk for £1.

Honey – 99p for 450g in Abu Bar, £1 for 340g in Morrisons,

Nut butter (palm oil free) – The Wild Peanut brand is sold in Abu Bakr for £1.69 – it’s completely natural and comes in all different cool flavours. You could alternatively get a big 1kg tub of Meridian peanut butter for about a fiver from Out of this World.


Oats – 75p for 1kg in Morrison’s, Asda or Aldi.

Brown rice – £3.50 for 2kg in Morrisons (world food section).

White rice – £4.99 for 5kg in Abu Bakr.

Pasta – £2.87 for 3kg in Morrisons.

Noodles – Taste of the Orient sell every noodle under the sun, including rice noodles for those who are wheat free, all for around £1.50 for 400g, or 2kg for £2.50.

Gluten free pasta – never cheap, but most supermarkets do their own cheap range now (£1.20 from Asda). It is, however, worth investing in pasta made from brown rice as it is much more filling and nutritious – you can get this from Millie’s or Out of this World for around £2 a pack.

Fruit and Veg

Frozen mixed berries – £1.50 for 400g in Sainsburys.

Frozen broccoli – 90p for 1kg in Morrisons.

Frozen peas – 69p for 900g in Morrisons.

Frozen peppers – £1 for 500g in Morrisons.

Frozen spinach – £1.32 for 1kg in Morrisons.

Prices of fresh fruit and veg vary depending on what’s in season, but are usually cheapest at Kirkgate market or Abu Bakr.

Bananas – 3 bunches for £1 from Abu or Kirkgate (share with friends or freeze them and use them in smoothies, porridge, or banana bread)

Nuts and Dried Fruit

Buying in bulk from Abu is cheapest. Millie’s is also brilliant for nuts and seeds, as they buy them in bulk and package them into all different sized bags.

Almonds – £5.99 for 700g in Abu Bakr.

Cashews – £4.90 for 500g in Millie’s.

Mixed seeds – 75p for 125g in Millie’s.

Sultanas – supermarket own brand is always cheapest. 84p for 500g in Morrisons.


Smoked mackerel – £1.49 a packet in Aldi! £2 a packet in Morrisons and Sainsbury’s.

Smoked salmon – ‘trimmings’ are £1.49 in Morrisons.

Tuna in brine – 53p from Asda.

Frozen white fish – £1.70 for 520g in Sainsbury’s.

Most supermarkets have own brand frozen ‘white fish fillets’, which sounds terrifying but is actually just Pollock. Try to check they are sustainably sourced though.

Free Range

It’s worth spending more on free range meat and eggs. Caged animals are kept in horrible conditions, and a sad, unhealthy animal gives you sad, unhealthy meat and eggs. Chicken joints are much cheaper than breast. You can also get a whole free range chicken for about a fiver and use the leftovers in meals throughout the week.

TOP TIP: Little Waitrose in town is great for reduced, good quality meat, probably because no one goes there.

Free range chicken thighs – £2.50 for 500g in Morrisons.

‘Mixed weight’ free range eggs – 85p for 6 at all good supermarkets.

Vegetarian Protein

Chickpeas – 3 for £1 in Morrisons.

Red lentils – £3.69 for 2kg in Abu Bakr.

Tofu – 99p for 350g silken tofu in Taste of the Orient – currently buy 2 get 1 free.

Valentine’s Day on a Budget

Flowers – Kirkgate market sells bunches of daffodils for 50p, lilies and tulips for £1. For a more controversial valentine’s gift you can buy a cactus for £3.99!

Romantic meal – Marks & Spencer’s ‘Dine in for 2 for £10’ deal is running over Valentine’s weekend. You get a main, side, starter or dessert and a bottle of wine for £10, so you get a treat meal without spending loads, and also you don’t have to go and be competitively romantic with the other hordes of couples who are eating out in restaurants.


Patsy O’Neill



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