Preview: Opera Soc's The Magic Flute

From 10th – 13th February 2016, performance society Opera Soc will be performing a brand new adaptation of Mozart’s The Magic Flute. However, this will be no ordinary re-telling of the classic opera as director and president, Freddie Brook, takes on the creative challenge of creating a new adaptation of a classic opera that promises to be full of variety – even including a ’20 ft giant snake’ (puppetry, thankfully).

Working with a large cast of around 45 students, this version will see the story set in the 21st century, using an abundance of pop culture references. “It’s kind of like a fairy tale that’s flipped on its head”, Freddie tells us, adding that the show itself will be broken up by dialogue unlike many other traditional operas.

The idea to put on such a show came about when musical director, Simon Pratt asked Freddie to collaborate with this new adaptation. After 5 months work, Opera Soc are ready to submerge the 21st century audience into a post-apocalyptic world with audience involvement and the occasional pantomime element.

Tickets for the event are priced from £4-£8 and will be performed at Stage@Leeds from 10th-13th February, starting at 19:30 each evening.

For an exclusive preview, visit Opera Soc’s Youtube channel, LUU Opera Soc.

Mark McDougall

Image courtesy of

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