Big Band End Exam Period With A Bang

For top-quality, atmospheric, live music, look no further than LUU Big Band. On Sunday the 24th of January, Big Band held an end of exams party in Old Bar that was so lively it chased away all memories of exams. The society had the place packed, attracting a massive crowd who were all there to hear the authentic sound of a band that knew what they were doing. The band, made up of twenty talented musicians, prides itself on its diverse range of music and pitch-perfect performances. They play gigs across Leeds, belting out anything from Frank Sinatra to Michael Jackson to Adele, and all within one set.

Becoming part of LUU Big Band is a competitive process – this year alone one hundred and twenty students tried out for the elusive twenty places. The instruments and vocals involved are carefully chosen to create a balanced and full sound: five trumpets, four trombones, seven voices, one keys, one drums, one percussion and a bass all blending together to create an uplifting swing and jazz vibe. Once the initial auditions, held every September during fresher’s week, are over, the band gets to work straight away with rehearsals.

However, as Musical Director Ciaran Diston says, being part of Big Band isn’t only about rehearsals: “We’re a very sociable society, and while we rehearse once a week we also like to have a good time. It’s important that we all get to know one another well too, as it makes the music better.” In addition to Sunday night sets at Old Bar in the Union, the band have many gigs at private functions, clubs (including HiFi and The Wardrobe) and bars all over Leeds and the North. They also go on a weeklong tour to Bergerac in the south of France every year during the Easter holidays, representing Leeds at a range of venues and concerts.

President of LUU Big Band, James Gregg explained that: “Tour is one of the highlights of the year for the band, as well as playing at Leeds Summer Ball and at the Rileys. To be honest though, all of our gigs are like socials because we all enjoy playing music together. It’s a great society to be a part of. We’re holding an informal jam session for our GIAG on the 20th February in Terrace. Anyone is welcome!” For more information about Big Band and upcoming events, visit the society’s Facebook page.

Natalie Cherry

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