Leeds University to make £11 million cuts despite £57 million surplus

Leeds University are making £11 million “service savings”, despite the £57 million surplus that was recently revealed in the annual reports.

In a ‘Review of service delivery’ taken from January 2014, Roger Gair, university secretary, stated: “We should seek to secure savings worth at least £11 million in the delivery of services across the University (centrally and in schools and faculties) from 2014-15 onwards.”

In response to these “service savings” a UCU Spokesperson has said “Anyone looking at the University’s own published accounts would see that the surplus has been achieved by charging high student fees, suppressing staff pay and pensions, eroding job security, and under-resourcing key services such as IT, Student Education Services and the Library.

The University increasingly prioritises investing in its own capital assets, such as buildings, above investing in our core business of academic excellence.”

The University have offered no comment on the issue.


(Image: Wikipedia)

Shamima Noor

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