LRFS: Model for Change

You’ve got more chance of being struck by lightning than reaching model requirements. That’s according to statistics revealing the average commercial model size at least, showing one in forty thousand meets these conditions.

We live in a society where we are bombarded by the media each day, being sold products by images of beautiful men and women. The aspiration to be beautiful is, by our socio-cultural standards, coupled with the aspiration for success. Yet linking these values has serious implications on self-esteem and achievement.

12212336_10154389926277729_1838899204_nIt is unclear what deems these models as attractive, and thus role models for so many of us.  While the high fashion industry has not changed much, Leeds RAG Fashion Show seeks to challenge the boundaries and stereotypes associated with the industry. Open Castings were held to select our models and everyone was invited to come and show us what they could bring to the show. Whereas most fashion shows and previous years have focused on the ‘look’ we were focused on personality. We were looking for confidence, enthusiasm and a little bit of humour as we asked students to perform charades and give us their best strut.

While most shows choose their models on who can fit the clothes we chose our models based on which scene their personality would best fit. Although our theme is currently a well-guarded secret, when revealed will continue to challenge the usual perceptions of a fashion show.  The charities we are supporting, Leeds Mencap and Refugee Council are the heart and soul of the show and why we want everyone to feel they can be a part of such a fantastic event. Although we may only be one card in a stack until we start turning those over nothing is going to change.

So, next time you stare in the mirror and ask yourself why you don’t look like a model, ask why they don’t look like you.

Esther Eldridge-Mrotzek (One half of the Directors of LRFS)

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