Adrenalin Baby by Johnny Marr

Since the release of his debut album, The Messenger, back in 2013, it feels like there has barely been a moment when the wheels of Johnny Marr’s tour bus have stopped spinning and the sound of his iconic guitar haven’t filled the airwaves of venues in the UK and beyond. Adrenalin Baby, a 17 double-track live album, pays homage to Marr’s genius and determination which has propelled him from Morrissey’s less egotistical counterpart, to a charismatic and captivating solo performer.

The records opener, title track to Johnny Marr’s 2014 album Playland, justifies the ambitious record title, kick-starting the adrenalin stream that effortlessly flows through tracks such as ‘The Messenger’, ‘Generate! Generate! Generate!’ and anthemic ‘Easy-Money.’ Marr’s distinctive and unparalleled guitar performance undeniably carries the record. Every lick, every riff, so perfectly crafted on previous records, is recreated so effortlessly that you would barely believe the record was live. Even in Marr’s cover of the classic Clash song, ‘I Fought The Law’, his guitar ability adds a new dimension; a certain charm that can only be created by a certain type of genius.

Although the record is a credit to Marr’s back catalogue, even he could not deny fans a throwback to his Smiths days, with these tracks providing the highlights of the album. Despite the inescapable truth that Marr’s vocals lack the wit and haunting qualities of Morrissey’s, the magic of fan-favourites such as ‘Big Mouth Strikes Again’ and ‘How Soon Is Now?’ is certainly not lost.

The true beauty of a live album is the inclusion of an element that cannot be added in a studio: a live audience. Enthusiastic and respectful throughout the record, it is not until ‘There Is A Light That Never Goes Out’ that the crowd erupts into an impassioned outburst of song.

As one half of a faithful duo or as the main attraction, this record proves that Marr is a mastermind and his light will certainly never go out.


Olivia Marshall

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